Executive team

Geoff Broomhead

Geoff Broomhead


Geoff worked in the UK financial sector for over 20 years, latterly as a Managing Director in the investment banking arm of Barclays Capital.  Geoff was subsequently a partner in a hedge fund/asset management boutique for a number of years.  He founded a renewable energy business based on the US East, successfully exiting after 4 years.  Since then Geoff has been an angel investor and corporate advisor, investing in a wide variety of projects taking various NED positions.

Tammy Eden

Tammy Eden

Chief Financial Officer

A Chartered Accountant registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).  After working for Deloitte and HSBC, she started her own accountancy practice in 2012.  Experienced in company secretarial matters and whole cycle company finance.

Dr Eric Sandgren

Dr Eric Sandgren

SVP Technology, North America

Formerly worked at GM, TRW and IBM in senior technical and managerial roles, and at universities at Purdue, Missouri, UNLV, Virginia Commonwealth and Arkansas.  Expertise incudes computer aided design, modelling and design optimisation.

Dr Craig Goodfellow

Dr Craig Goodfellow


Over 30 years experience in the oil and automotive sectors, having held senior technical roles at BP, Equinor and Ricardo plc on fuels, lubricants and hybrid vehicle engineering.  Formerly Founder and CEO of Coryton Advanced Fuels Ltd.

Ian Kershaw

Ian Kershaw

Commercial Dir.

Over 30 years experience in developing and commercialising new automotive technologies with Bentley, Perkins and Ricardo.  He spent 5yrs in a senior role at Arthur D Little before becoming a founding partner at Ricardo plc’s Strategy Consulting Division, and more recently Executive Chairman at Coryton Advanced Fuels Ltd.

Marc Wiseman

Marc Wiseman

Commercial Dir. North America

Over 30 years experience in development and commercialisation for clean transportation. Formerly President, Ricardo Strategic Consulting US and continues to have automotive corporate advisory roles.

Prof Steve Sapsford

Prof Steve Sapsford


32 years experience at Ricardo plc in various global senior technical and managerial roles, most latterly as Business Strategy Director.  He is an Industrial Advisor at the University of Nottingham and a visiting Professor at the University of Cardiff.

Non executive team

James Eden

James Eden

Non-Executive Director

James has worked in the financial services industry for more than 20 years and built his career as an Equity Research Analyst, specialising in the banking sector.  James was recognised as being the Rising Star Analyst and went on to be ranked No 1 European Banks Analyst several times while working at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.  James is now an angel investor and NED/Advisor to private companies backing those that offer the best risk/reward profile.

Navdeep Sheera

Navdeep Sheera

Non-Executive Director

Navdeep worked in the semiconductor industry at Intel and Samsung for 10 years.  Subsequently he was an Equity Research Analyst for 16 years, specialising in technology.  Navdeep now manages property company Poloplace Ltd and is an angel investor in high growth private companies.